

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? 2 Kings 4: 2a

As I meditated on the story of Elisha and the widow, this portion of scripture struck me.  Elisha said to the woman, ‘What shall I do for thee?’  Many times in the gospels, we see Jesus repeating this same question.  What would you have me do for you?  Jesus was (and still is) God.  He knew what every single one of the people he healed needed, yet He still asked them what they wanted from Him.  Jesus wanted them to be specific – that I may receive my sight!  That I may walk again!  That my child may live!  That my servant may be healed!  Jesus elicited specific answers from the people who sought His help.

Jesus is the same today as he was when He walked the earth.  He wants you to be specific.  He wants you to have measurable aspirations.  He wants you to tell Him what exactly you want.  Not because he doesn’t know, but because your faith is only released comprehensibly when your aspirations are measurable.  Heal me o Lord is a good prayer but O Lord in your mercy, please restore my sight is a more specific and direct prayer that allows you release your faith in the direction of your prayers.  Many times, after the people had told Jesus what they wanted, He went on to ask them if they believed He could do what they asked that is, if they had faith!  You need to know what you actually want before you can release your faith in that direction.  Reduce the amount of vague prayers you pray!  Come to God with specific requests.  He is asking you, ‘What shall I do for you today?’

May God help us all!


Father in the name of Jesus.  Thank you for your word today.  Give us grace to pray right! Take all the glory Almighty God, in Jesus mighty name we have prayed!

Speak to you again soon!

If God has spoken to you through this message or if you have been blessed in anyway by this,  please drop me a line on audio[email protected].

Remember, wrapped up in God’s word is ALL you need for your change to come!

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