Suggested Reading Psalms 69:30-31
I will praise the name of God with a song, And will magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bull, Which has horns and hooves.
All day, the word Thanksgiving has been dancing around in my spirit. In the natural, I am often shocked when I meet people who do not show gratitude. I am shocked because I expect that saying thank you when people are beneficent to you, is a natural response. I encounter that shock once in a while. Not anger. Not irritation. Shock. Shock that there are people on the planet who need a reminder to say thank you. But I digress.

In this scripture, the bible explains that thanksgiving amongst the many other functions that it has, magnifies the Lord. So, if I am going through a tough situation where I cannot see a way out, I can literally use thanksgiving to make God so large that He swallows up whatever it is that I am going through. When I do this, I not only succeed in getting out of impossible situations, I also please God! In fact, the scripture says, more than our seeds and offerings, the Lord is pleased and more desirous of our thanksgiving. Come to think of it, does he not deserve it? The very life that we have continues because He sustains us. All we have and are come from Him. Thanksgiving should be a natural posture we take before the God of heaven. In Luke 17, Jesus was shocked that nine out of ten folks did not return to say thank you. Let’s not shock the Lord, too.
Say thank you to God today. Magnify Him with a melody of thanks and as you do so, He will rejoice over you because He will be pleased with you.

Dear Lord, thank you. I know that often times I lapse into complaints once and again. I repent. Today, I just want to magnify you with my thanks. You have been so good and so kind! I am so grateful. Take all the glory Almighty God in Jesus mighty name I have prayed.